Fantastic Best Music Video clips


Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines ft. T.I., Pharrell (Video clip)

"Blurred Lines" is a song recorded and premiered by American singer Robin Thicke, T.I., and Pharrell Williams. Produced by Pharrell, it serves as the best song from Thicke's album of the same

name. Music was rwritten on March 26, 2013 through Pharrell's label Star Trak Recordings. Recorded in 2012, the single was primarily inspired by the Marvin Gaye track "Got to Give It Up", and apart from T.I.'s rap was entirely the work of Williams. However, Thicke clearly laid claim to writing credits on the track according to a Reuters article. The single became the subject of a bitter legal dispute with the family of Gaye and Bridgeport Music as to whether the single infringed copyrights to "Got to Give It Up". Thicke and Williams were found liable for copyright infringement by a federal jury in March 2015, and Gaye was awarded posthumous songwriting credit based on the royalties pledged to his estate.

The track's music video was recorded in 2 versions, with 1 featuring models Emily Ratajkowski, Jessi M'Bengue, and Elle Evans being topless, while the other censored nudity. The uncut version of the movie was at 1 time removed from YouTube for violating the site's terms of service regarding nudity; it was later restored, but with an age restriction. The single's lyrics and music video have proven controversial with some groups, with claims that it is misogynistic and promotes date rape. This has led to the single being banned at universities and other institutions in the United Kingdom and prompted a rebuttal from Thicke.

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